Here you can get familiar with a few of our projects.
Whenever the opportunity arises, this section will be updated with projects that we previously didn’t have the time to put up on our site. These are the projects which were especially interesting to work on, those which we still have fond memories of and which we don’t have inhibitions to share with the rest of world!
The original video in English provided by the customer for the full localization into Russian (translation, voice-over, localization of subtitles)
The final result of localization into Russian (translation, voice-over, localization of subtitles)
Not too long ago we had the privilege of working with the largest Russian manufacturer and distributer of engineering equipment, the corporation KAMI. With the purpose in mind of exporting their product they had to localize their presentation materials into 4 different languages: English, German, Italian and Chinese. We gladly executed the task for them and below you can see the result of our work.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in Africaans for the Bible application on mobile devices.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in Korean for the Bible application on mobile devices.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in the Tagalog language for the Bible application on mobile devices.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in Japanese for the Bible application on mobile devices.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in Swedish for the Bible application on mobile devices.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in Thai for the Bible application on mobile devices.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in Turkish for the Bible application on mobile devices.
Here is the voice-over of the promo video in Ukrainian for the Bible application on mobile devices.